A Lenten Study for 2010

We'll all read Max Lucado's Six Hours One Friday on the following schedule:
Feb 17-20 Chapter 1
Feb 21-27 Ch 2-3-4
Feb 28-Mar 6 Ch 5-6-7
Mar 7-13 Ch 8-9-10
Mar 14-20 Ch 11-12-13
Mar 21-27 Ch 14-15-16
Mar 28-Apr 3 Ch 17-18-19
Apr 4 Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fish and Trees

While Gary was fixing supper tonight, I sat nearby and read to him. He loved it. I read aloud "The Tale of Three Trees," a great parable, captured in a children's book. Especially at this time of year. A beautifully written illustration of God's redemptive work, taking our live circumstances and using all things for His perfect plan - even when we wonder what in the world is going on!

Gary was still listening and still cooking, so I read more. I read chapter 12 of Six Hours...
"The Fish and the Falls, a legend of grace." I know there was a time in my life when I wouldn't have "gotten" it. But, boy, do I now! All my strongest, bravest efforts in vain. Saved only by His amazing grace, His free gift.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Feel free to email me if you don't want to post.
And have a fantastic day!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Two Tombstones

It was a Portland perfect day for a walk in the cemetery. As per normal, the cloud cover was low, the sky was gray, and rain was consistently inconsistent. I donned my rubber boots – black with aqua polka dots – my red London Fog rain jacket, complete with hood and lining, and my umbrella. Now, this is no plain umbrella. This fabulous bumbershoot, given as the perfect gift by a dear PA friend our first year in Portland, looks like the inside of a box of chocolates, wrappers and all. Delicious! So, bottom line, I was very cute, if not the fashionista you may have imagined. That’s Portland. You can wear just about anything, whether it matches or not, and it’s all good. “Keep Portland Weird” is the motto and sometimes I am pretty good at doing my part.
After reading Chapter 3 of Six Hours, I knew a cemetery walk was a must-do. Now I have my own “Two Tombstones” story and am eager to share with you.

It’s just a small square of land, directly across from the church, on the corner of Glisan and 90th. We’ve walked past it thousands of times. There are probably less than 100 grave markers on the site, but such a variety, each one representing the person who lived life and was loved enough for someone to bury them there. Our community is culturally diverse, and this fact was evidenced in the epitaphs on the tombstones, some in Russian, some in Chinese, many in English. The stones, dating back to the 1800s tell of short lives ~ infant twins who lived just 3 months; brothers ages 8 and 3, who died of diphtheria just four days apart. And long lives. One indicates beloved mother, grandmother, great grandmother and great great grandmother. Two side by side bear witness to a husband and wife who died within days of one another. People with stories we will never know.As I walked and read, the rain beating down on my chocolate umbrella, I was especially intrigued by an unusual marker. It was the flat kind, rose-colored, etched on the bottom left with an animal paw bearing five claws. On the opposite corner was a spiderweb-looking thing, and three feathers dangling from it. Someone had placed some smooth, colored glass stones on top of the gravestone.

I surmised that this man, Charlo, who died just shy of age 53, was an American Indian. I realized that the spider web was a Dreamcatcher. I was lost in thought, when I saw that on the bottom, barely legible, was a one-line epitaph. It read, “All dressed up and nowhere to go.” It may have just been something Charlo was always saying or a private joke among friends, but I was immediately saddened. “Here,” I thought, “is my Grace Llewellen Smith.” Futility. Nothing to look forward to on the other side. Did he spend his life wishing, hoping, wanting, waiting for the opportunity that never came? Did he enter eternity without the hope of heaven? Oh, if only it had said, “All dressed up and finally, someplace to go!”

Just ten feet or so away was the marker of another young man, Dana, just 56 when he died. I imagine his family was not ready to let him go. Around the rectangle, it stated, “Loving husband and father” and “Greatly loved son and brother”. But their eternal hope was expressed by more words etched in the stone. “Faithful servant and witness of our Lord Jesus Christ” and “He finished well Phil 3:10”. And in these words, I, too, was reminded of the hope I share. Life is not futile. I have all eternity to celebrate! Because of six hours one Friday…and the Sunday that followed!

Friday, March 5, 2010


So there I was, chugging along the train tracks of daily life, when suddenly, out of nowhere, WHAM!

Next thing I know my engine is down, sputtering alongside the tracks and the various cars of home and work and church and blogs, among others, form a massive pile-up, going nowhere. I've gotten side-tracked before. I know side-tracked all too well. I can be a great starter and a poor finisher. Sometimes my follow-through's just not there (it happens in tennis, too). Full of good intentions and chutzpa, I launch in, only to lose interest and bail out.

But this is different! This derailment totally took me by surprise, rendering me incapable of doing many of the things I've needed and wanted to do. Admittedly, I've had to focus on me, take care of me, make it through each day. And I don't like it.

Last Saturday, I was getting ready to leave the house and, seriously, I didn’t DO anything, but felt a sharp pain in my hip and down my leg. I tried to ignore it, but by the end of the evening, I was in excruciating pain, barely able to move. I had to cancel my Sunday responsibilities (that nearly killed me!) and made a first thing Monday appt with the chiropractor.

Pause here for me to say THANK YOU for all the prayers and support and encouragement through emails and phone calls and facebook posts. God hears and heals. Not instantly in this case, but slowly, and so surely in His perfect time. I so appreciate my enormous “family” – blood relatives and "brothers and sisters" near and far who have expressed loving concern and prayers for my strength and healing.

Little by little, stretching and heat and resting and trusting, I am getting back on track. I am reading Six Hours One Friday and thinking much about my life in light of Christ’s sacrifice, my pain in light of His suffering – for me. And I am praying for you. If you are sidetracked by other distractions, I encourage you to get back on board. If you, too, are derailed by unexpected circumstances or crises, keep your gaze fixed on Christ, holding to your anchor points, assured that our Father truly is the Blessed Controller of All Things.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

On the last Saturday of January, I had the privilege of being with three fantastic women. All were in their 80s and each one a beautiful daughter of the King. I have only known each for the past two years, since attending Central Bible Church.
Alice was a precious, sweet lady. I attended her memorial service along with about 400 others. I only knew her as a care provider for her husband, who has Alzheimer’s. Although she was his “memory,” he was her man and her muscle. She continued to love and respect him, lifting him up as head of their home. I would often see her on his arm, depending on him for the stability that he’d provided throughout their many years together. At the service, I learned more about this amazing woman and the impact she had on her family, church, missions, and children in the community. Alice lived life fully, her eyes always on Jesus. She is with Him now in glory.
Following the memorial, I went to honor Muriel for her 80th birthday. Oh, what a celebration it was! Another friend had opened her home for a “girls only” party and in the course of the two-hour open house, nearly 150 women stopped by to give and receive a hug and, honestly, just to be in Muriel’s presence. Her genuine, caring demeanor has impacted thousands, maybe millions of people. She is a non-stop, soft-spoken woman of God, whose compassionate eyes and engaging smile captivate you and draw you in to the very presence of God. Though way past retirement age, she continues to provide counsel at Multnomah University and works alongside her husband in numerous endeavors, many of them having to do with missions. Muriel lives each moment eager and willing to do our Lord’s bidding.
I experienced both of these events with Joyce, yet another octogenarian non-stop fireball. Non-stop she is! I can scarcely keep up! Long ago, Joyce served in the role I now have as office manager at Central Bible Church. She continues to come in each Monday to prepare the prayer sheet for publication, typing in the requests from Sunday’s cards. From there, she often buzzes off to her next activity, a prayer group who meets to lift our missionaries to the Lord or a Bible Study with those at the Senior Community where she lives. She zips around, pushing her rolling walker/situpon thing and I chuckle at her vivacity, her positive approach to life. Joyce serves Jesus with every breath she takes.
What pure joy to know these and other wonder women, my own dear mom included. Wonderful … and full of wonder. Not living for now, nor for self, but living each day fully with their eyes fixed on Jesus and their real home, the place that is being prepared for them in eternity with Him. Not in futility, but in hope. And impacting others with their love and caring along the way.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Come to Me ~Jesus

I have so much to tell you about the Sweet Life Cafe Getaway Weekend! I will be pouring it out, likely a drop or two at a time! Suffice it to say for now, it was fabulous! This verse comes to mind from Ephesians 3.20-21

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

God certainly did that - beyond expectation - and we give Him the glory!

In keeping with our Six Hours reading, do what you must to listen to a snippet from our theme song from the weekend. [If the link doesn't work, go to the site, click on store and play, "Come Worship the Lord."] It is based on the verse from our reading (Chapter 2) and is an open invitation to each of us today.


My prayer is that you will run to His arms today for whatever you need, wherever you are! Know His love for you, bask in it, and leave your burdens at His feet.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Anchor Points

So many things are coming together around this theme, in various ways for me. I love it when that happens!
 A couple of weeks ago, I sat on the ordination council for a fellow seminary student. He had a chance to express his doctrinal beliefs. We met for 4 hours, hearing from Gene and asking questions about the studies and circumstances that brought him to those understandings. I was riveted.
 On Wednesdays, I attend a class on Biblical Leadership. We’ve been looking closely at 7 key areas in life and considering our mission, vision, purpose, values, etc. Basically, what are your anchor points?
 On Thursdays, our Growth Group is just getting underway. We are working together through John Ortberg’s book, If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat. Last night, we talked about Peter and the storm at sea and his stepping out of the boat to get to Jesus.
And, of course, Max Lucado and this Lenten study. Here are a couple questions he poses:
 What anchor points can you identify in your own life? How strong are they?
 What do you think were Jesus’ anchor points when he walked on earth? Which ones do you think he relied on while he spent those 6 hours on the cross?

Tonight begins the long-awaited, much-anticipated, mostly-prepared Sweet Life Café Getaway weekend for the ladies of our church. I have the privilege of sharing the opening message with the gals. It is on forgiveness. In my preparation, I recognized a scripture verse that contains one of my deepest anchors, and it centers on Christ and his redemptive work on the cross. I hold firmly to this and will never let go.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

I join Max in extending this challenge: On a clean sheet of paper, write down 5 of your personal anchor points. Put this list in a safe, accessible place and reread it when hurricanes blow into your life.
Have a God-filled day!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

No AHA, but thoughts, at least!

Projects! There are some things I have had good intentions to do. No, they are not spiritual disciplines, but disciplines nonetheless. Like making a booklet of the missionaries we pray for and writing thank you notes, going for a walk and spending time on my sewing machine. Where's the sacrifice in that, you ask? Well, these are the kinds of things I talk myself out of in the evenings when, after work and after supper, I just want to be a bump-on-a-log, hang out on the couch or in my chair, watching a show or movie or reading. Not bad things, just time-consuming. And they take a little more effort and brain & body power. So, I am giving up a bit of comfort and a bit of time to spend in higher pursuits. That is my Lenten Commitment. What's yours?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fat Tuesday - Fastnacht Day

Back east, we would have been eating special donuts, known as fastnachts. Out here, they know nothing about that, so I printed out an informative essay about Pennsylvania Dutch tradition and using up the lard - getting it out of the house - before Lent. I gave a page to each of "the guys." That is, the men I work with. Today it was only David (Sr. Pastor) Daniel (Worship Pastor) and Mike (Administrative Pastor and my boss, whose birthday it was.) He wanted fruit pie to celebrate so Gary picked up marionberry -- something they only have out west, so now, I guess we're even. I didn't taste it, but everyone who did said it was yummy. They are rather clueless about the liturgical calendar, so I've made it my job to keep them informed.
I have been trying to prepare myself and my heart for Lent. But in my constant question to the Lord about what He would have me sacrifice this season and what good thing should I replace it with, I have heard no reply. I am stumped. I have not wanted it to be food related, cuz I am already on a diet to shed a few pounds before the wedding in 4 months. I can't really get up any earlier. I am part of 2 groups now - TBL and water-walking. I am reading my spiritual formation books. I could probably make better use of my time in the evening. But I don't really know.
Perhaps I will awaken in the morning with an AHA! thought that will guide the remainder of my honoring of Lent. I am open to suggestions. Have you given up anything? Why is it a sacrifice for you?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

What version should I buy?

My 1989 version is pictured here, but there are several others, more recent, as you'll see. Mine has the subtitle "Anchoring to the Power of the Cross," (which is why I chose it, actually), but the other has "Living in the Power of the Cross" as a subheading and should be just as good! It will be fun to hear some of the differences! So purchase the one that suits your fancy!
Oh! And I made "everyone" (the original gals) an author, so you can write your own post, not just comment on others. Let's see how that goes!

Lenten Study

Lent begins in just one month. Ash Wednesday is February 17th. Some mistakenly believe that Lent is only for our Catholic friends. I didn't grow up with Lent, nor raise my kids with the observation of it, but the Lenten Season has become increasingly important to me over the years. I do love Easter, but arriving at it without spending some time in preparation and anticipation, focusing on the cross, having an awareness of Christ's sacrifice on my behalf and even making some small-scale sacrifices of my own helps me to arrive at the celebrations of Palm Sunday and through Holy Week on to Easter (Resurrection Sunday) with an increased capacity to honor Christ Jesus.

Max Lucado is, I think, one of the greatest writers of our time. He writes in a way that just about everybody can relate to. He brings biblical stories and truths to life! Gary and I frequently choose a Lucado book to read aloud together. This practice is really unifying and I highly recommend it! This book, Six Hours One Friday, holds, I'm certain, some treasures and revelations that will benefit us all, wherever we are (both in the world physically and on our journey spiritually). I hope you'll join me for this study and look deep within for the Spirit of God stirring within your spirit.